Copy Success, don’t question it!


This post is an inspired writing from the above. Mr. Rohit Singh is not my FB friend so, I am answering him here.I seldom comment on political posts but I am really provoked to answer Rohit Singh because of his short-sightedness and small thinking. Here it goes:

If AK was so meticulous in executing his personal ambitions of becoming a CM or PM or whatever, then whats wrong. Whats wrong in being ambitious? Aren’t you ambitious, or wouldn’t you like to be as ambitious as possible? Weren’t we taught – aim for the stars and you might, at the least, land on the moon? Salute to you for revealing his plans, the world today is more aware of AK because of you! If AK is such a perfectionist in executing his personal ambitions, then he should be the first choice for PM or CM or whatever he aspires. Our country need people with independent thinking. What people have witnessed that he was thrown a challenge to come into power to get Jan-Lokpal in to constitution and like any other success-oriented human being, he not only accepted the challenge but also showed his grit for success. If it does not require meticulous planning, then what is the other way you were taught?

Every human beings’ action is always directed to gain self-importance, either by contributing to society or his family. What’s wrong if AK gained so much importance without harming anyone? I am not interested in politics or AAP but I do follow success and successful people. Each successful man has a trait and all it takes to become successful is just be a copy cat; I am sure you too must have copied or tried to copy your heroes and idols! I am not a person who questions success, rather I love to copy it. Its a tough life, why re-invent the wheel!

Your accusation of AK is similar to Sachin batting selfishly for the country. If Sachin did it for himself, I am proud he did it because it was all for his family first and then the country. And he proved it, listen to his retirement speech. (If one’s family is not happy, how can he keep others happy). Bro, you are such a learned man (Engineer + MBA) from an institution of international repute, I thought you were taught to succeed and not question a common man’s meteoric rise. (If you aren’t questioning but analysing his success, then I am not surprised that as other MBAs do – more of paralysis than analysis). If a man’s personal success does good to you and me, why question it. No one knows who those 28 people are, all we know is that they are people with honest intentions AND it is NOT an assumption because this is what they were voted for. Let the time play its role before jumping to conclusions. The common man and those at the helm of power very well know it is no more a Herculean task to bring a change.

Last but not the least, Today I witness democracy in success even! Cheers!